Crossing the road!!!
Suppose that there ia a road of 2 opposite ways
When u r waiting for the chance to cross one,it is totally unimportant to consider that the opposite one is empty and u can pass through, simply bc u r still in the 1st one
So , what is the benefit fr. thinking of thing u wouldn't do it now.
Life is just like that , don't rush up, wait 4 the proper time
What is the benefit fr thinking about what to do in 9:05 am instead of thinking ab. What u actually 've to do in 9:00 am
Same in life , 2012 'd never preceed 2009
Suppose that there ia a road of 2 opposite ways
When u r waiting for the chance to cross one,it is totally unimportant to consider that the opposite one is empty and u can pass through, simply bc u r still in the 1st one
So , what is the benefit fr. thinking of thing u wouldn't do it now.
Life is just like that , don't rush up, wait 4 the proper time
What is the benefit fr thinking about what to do in 9:05 am instead of thinking ab. What u actually 've to do in 9:00 am
Same in life , 2012 'd never preceed 2009
So be patient and seek this balance
We r in a kind of game , u 've to pass this lever successfully to be transferred 4 the nxt
Hoping to get what I want to say
Hoping to get what I want to say
تمام يا رضوى
لكن دا لا ينفى ولا يقلل من قيمة وأهمية التخطيط- وأعني التخطيط السليم
تسلم يا عم الموهوووب
المفروض اني افهم ده
لان المستقبل بتاع ربنا وشكرا
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